Toulouse, France - Housesit

A week of relaxing to myself (I thought!) whilst Andrew has some remote work for his Australian contract to finish. A visit to friends in Toulouse and then a week’s housesit nearby.

Got the Flixbus (15 euros) Barcelona to Toulouse and spent a lovely evening with Jane and Antoine, friends from long ago.

Then the fun started! The next day upon arrival at the house sit pick up point (Castelsarrasin station) I was greeted by a despondent homeowner’s wife. The original plan was that they were taking the Chihuahua with them to the UK and leaving me two big dogs and some chickens.

1) Said Chihuahua, Belle, unfortunately did not have a valid rabies certificate and was being left with me

2) Turns out one of the big dogs, Mylo the Labrador, looked like he was scrum half for the french rugby team with his whole head bandaged up. I was later informed that the bandage was effectively holding his ear on after he had an altercation with a wall trying to ‘over’ scratch an infection

3) Finally, there were an additional two animals, young abandoned kittens Salt and Pepper.

All up, 3 dogs (only one of which really wanted to go for a walk), 2 very mischievous kittens and 19 chickens, including a very cranky rooster! So much for a relaxing time!!

On top of that the weather wasn’t so great…so other than looking after the animals it actually was very relaxing in a beautiful house and lovely outlook and environment, to slow down a bit.


Salomo, Spain - Housesit

